<%@ Language="VBScript" %> RSS Reader Welcome To Kinlock Falls! <% If DateDiff("h", Application("rss-html-time"), Now()) >= 2 then Set xmlDOM = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument") xmlDOM.async = False xmlDOM.setProperty "ServerHTTPRequest", True xmlDOM.Load("http://www.codebeach.com/rss-it-jobs.asp") 'Get all of the tags in the feed Set itemList = xmlDOM.getElementsByTagName("item") strHTML = strHTML & "" Set xmlDOM = Nothing Set itemList = Nothing Application.Lock Application("rss-html") = strHTML Application("rss-html-time") = Now() Application.UnLock End If Response.Write(Application("rss-html")) %>
Welcome To Kinlock Falls!


get($url)) { echo "$rs[title]
\n"; echo "$rs[description]
\n"; echo "
    \n"; foreach ($rs['items'] as $item) { echo "\t
  • $item[title]
  • \n"; } if ($rs['items_count'] <= 0) { echo "
  • Sorry, no items found in the RSS file :-(
  • "; } }
    if ($rs['items_count'] <= 0) { echo "
  • Sorry, no items found in the RSS file :-(
  • "; } echo "
\n"; } else { echo "Sorry: It's not possible to reach RSS file $url\n
"; // you will probably hide this message in a live version } } // =============================================================================== // include lastRSS include "lastRSS.php"; // List of RSS URLs $rss_left = array( 'http://feeds.astrology.com/dailyoverview', ); $rss_right = array( ); // Create lastRSS object $rss = new lastRSS; // Set cache dir and cache time limit (5 seconds) // (don't forget to chmod cahce dir to 777 to allow writing) $rss->cache_dir = './temp'; $rss->cache_time = 1200; // Show all rss files echo "
"; foreach ($rss_left as $url) {
ShowOneRSS($url); } echo "
"; foreach ($rss_right as $url) { ShowOneRSS($url); } echo "
"; ?>